Your Local Glasses People for Over 80 Years
Eyeglasses mean a lot to our family: they’re a precision tool you rely on every day. They’re your most-worn fashion statement. And they’ve been the keystone of our family business for over 80 years.
Simply put, we’re frames fanatics — and we have the know-how and work ethic to find you a pair that fits perfectly, looks incredible and makes you fall in love with eyewear too.
Our Mission

Our Roots Run Deep
The eyewear industry has evolved a lot since Dietz-McLean Optical opened its doors in 1938, but one thing that hasn’t changed is our commitment to providing exceptional eyeglasses for our neighbors. Our family’s history in lens manufacturing and opticianry has provided us with decades of unmatched experience — whether we’re selecting your most flattering frames or perfecting your lenses, we know how to determine what you need and execute on it.
Historically Great Service
Convenient Referrals
Want new glasses but need an updated prescription? We connect patients with reliable, local eye doctors through our convenient referral network. Our family has worked with these doctors for years and can vouch for their expertise — bringing you that much closer to healthy vision in frames you love.